The Westboro Jewish Montessori Preschool presents: 

Mingling Mondays 

with a Mini-Book Club 

When:    Mondays 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. (in time for preschool drop-offs)

Where:   Westboro Jewish Montessori Preschool, 192 Switzer Avenue, Ottawa

Free for Library Members and Preschool Families or a $5 donation per session. Books will be provided. 


First Selection:

We will be discussing The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children by Wendy Mogel. 

  • Mogel, a clinical psychologist, left her practice in order "to help parents look at their children's anxieties and desires using a different lens." Digging into the rich traditions of the Torah, the Talmud and other Jewish teachings, Mogel builds a parenting blueprint that draws on core spiritual values relevant to families. With warmth and humor, she offers strategies for encouraging respect and gratitude in children. Her thoughtful observations consistently illuminate and reassure.

 Blessing of a skinned knee.jpg


Have aWrite - Subscribe great suggestion for the mini-book club to read and discuss?

Share your idea with us at 613.729.7712 or